3 Results for tag: light travel
First State Ice Hockey invites interested youth hockey families to register for the First State Flames program via the dedicated Flames pre-registration portal.
• There is no fee to pre-register with the Flames, and USA Hockey and Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association rules permit you to pre-register with as many clubs ...
What are First State Ice Hockey's main concerns for the upcoming 2020-21 season?
The current state of uncertainty for youth sports is perhaps the biggest. There are still major concerns surrounding health and safety where large numbers of people gather together. Leagues are exploring alternative start date strategies ...
Will this
light travel program structure be your model going forward after the 2020-21 season?
No. We are uniquely positioned to be flexible enough to serve our customers based on market concerns and desires. Assuming the pandemic environment subsides before the 2021-22 season, our plan will be to field teams at the ...